Family Office Law
Family Office Law
is a dba of Million Voorhees Ziebold LLP, a California-based law firm. The law firm provides tax planning, asset protection planning and related services in conjunction with its sister companies linked from images at the right.

Our staff members can be reached 8 AM to 5 PM PST/PDT
Call us anytime at 1-800-447-7090

Solving planning puzzles to minimize taxes while maximizing benefits for retirement, family, and favorite charities.SM

Our Lawyers Oversee One-Stop Planning Solutions

Meet Our Partners

Gary Million

Tim Voorhees

Mark Ziebold

Request a Free Consultation:

  • Redirect Your Tax Money to Trusts for Your Retirement, Family and Favorite Charities
  • Convert Involuntary Philanthropy into Voluntary Philanthropy
  • Request a Free Consultation

Now that marginal income tax rates often exceed 50%, taxpayers can realize greater benefits from strategies that reduce taxes. Fortunately, tax policy encourages planning that redirects your tax money to trusts for your retirement, family, and favorite charities (voluntary philanthropy). Family Office Law provides free consultations to show how you can dramatically lower taxes while increasing wealth controlled by you, your family, and your favorite charities. Please call 800-447-7090 or visit

Estate Planning reflects God-honoring character qualities across the generations.

Investment Counseling involves maximizing returns after taxes and after fees.

Charitable Planning is the focus of our clients who want to convert involuntary philanthropy (taxes) to voluntary philanthropy while increasing wealthy for retirement or family.

BUSINESS PROTECTION & SUCCESSION PLANNING involves working with your business' principals and executives to assess and develop comprehensive legal strategies and succession planning to protect your personal and business' financial future and wealth.

Asset Protection Planning requires the wise integration of trust planning with insurance planning.

Income Tax Planning helps generate tax-efficient income while deferring taxes on income not needed for lifestyle.

Family Office Law is a DBA of Million Voorhees Ziebold LLP, a law firm with attorneys practicing nationally in conjunction with locally licensed attorneys. Gary Million is licensed only in California. Tim Voorhees is licensed in Maryland and as a member of the US Tax Court Bar. Mark Ziebold is licensed in Arizona, California, Nevada, South Dakota, and Texas. Our attorneys hold these credentials:

Certified Specialist in Estate and Income Tax

Accredited Estate Planner

Free Initial Consultation

We offer a Guaranteed Initial Consultation to any client who brings a balance sheet and copies of any current wills or trusts. When we schedule the Initial Consultation, we will ask the client about his/her goals and assets so that we will know which attorneys or planners should participate in the Initial Consultation. When appropriate, we are happy to involve a client’s other advisers in the Initial Consultation. The adviser referring the client typically attends the first Initial Consultation and shares his or her knowledge about the client’s goals and assets.

Quick Contact

What Is Family Office Law?

A family office performs centralized management or oversight of investments, insurance, income tax planning, estate and legacy planning, business succession planning and charitable planning. Every significant transaction involves legal drafting and/or review. The lawyers at Family Office Law ("FOL") are trained to understand legal strategies in each of these six areas as well as the process for integrating strategies to maximize after-tax benefits for lifetime income, transfers to family members, and/or gifts to favorite charities. The Family Office Law attorneys and paralegals know how to work with other wealth management professionals to integrate legal and financial solutions. FOL lawyers work with the multi-family office ("MFO") summarized on the Voorhees Family Office Services website (at; however, FOL lawyers are available to assist a wide array of other MFOs, single family offices ("SFOs"), and traditional financial or accounting practices. To learn more about FOL services, please see the following links:

Family Office Law
650 Town Center Drive
Suite 890
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
9870 Research Drive
Suite 209
Irvine, CA 92618
©Copyright 2017 Family Office Law. All rights reserved.